OceanFaces: Underwater Photography without Diving or Fancy Cameras.

Our approach to UW Photography


UW hardware

Just camera (for now it's SONY DSC-P100) with underwater housing (Marine Pack MPK-PHB) and two UW lights.


Any software capable to adjust "levels" or "autolevel" will do. The good choice is Paint.net . It's very robust and absolutely free. You can see below what you can do just applying "autolevel" operation to your camera image

AutoLevel in PaintNet


Books used for identifying the marine life:

Hawaii's Sea Creatures, a Guide to Hawaii's Marine Invertebrates

by John Hoover


Shore Fishes of Hawai'i

by John E. Randall

Book Shore Fishes


Our inspiration sources

1. Jim Spears beautiful Maui UW Photos: kayakdiver.com

2. Absolutely unbelievable UW photos by David Doubilet on daviddoubilet.com BTW - we found David's FishFace book only AFTER deciding on our OceanFaces site name:

FishFace book

3. And of course John Hoover's site on hawaiisfishes.com